Monday, February 27, 2012

My jaw hurts

Well it turns out that most of my jaw pain was NOT from my wisdom teeth, but because I clench too much. Fantastic!! I'll probably need a bite plate because I seem to be clenching more and more, especially while I drive or sleep, and my jaw just can't take it anymore. The headaches are also getting very aggravating.

I didn't do much today because of this headache/jaw pain. Echo was nice enough to be quiet for most of the day, considerate bird :) So to take my mind off the pain I grabbed my camera and played for a bit.

I should really take more pictures and mess around, learn more techniques. I'd like to have a new flash and a gradual neutral density filter by summer... I also reeaally would like a macro lens. And an infrared filter. I shall see!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Be an organ donor :)

I know not many people read my blog, but I thought I would post this video of this beautiful and courageous young lady and raise awareness about this cause :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

An eerie feeling

These photos are from November 19th when Sean and I went on our last road trip to find rare birds. We were in the middle of nowhere and drove by this.

We had to pull over and go check it out! It was completely abandoned, perfect photo op.

I was very creeped out, it very much felt like I was in a horror movie... Probably because there were no other homes anywhere near this house.

It was a very eerie feeling to be near that house.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So I haven't been very productive lately. My camera is pretty much collecting dust and I've been hibernating at home. Boring! I don't know if I have the winter blues or what but things need to change. Now if I could stick to this instead of being a lazy couch potato XD I've mainly been playing games on the computer, listening to music, trying out new recipes and spending an incredible amount of time on

Speaking of music, I've recently only found out about Florence + The Machine, I'm not sure why I hadn't heard of them before, what a voice! So original, so lovely.

So good, that's basically all I've been listening to for the past 2 weeks.

The weather's been messed up this winter, temperatures much higher than normal, warm one day and freezing the next. Most snow storms we've had were immediately followed by freezing rain then rain. I bet we'll be having an early spring. Which really bites since I haven't been snowshoeing once this year, boooo. But hey, early spring isn't a bad thing either :)

As for photography, baaaahhh. I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures much, since I finished my 365 project I don't carry my cam everywhere any more. Maybe I should be. I think I just need to work with something new. Or just take a photography course. I just keep getting discouraged so easily, maybe a course would be refreshing.

I did take a few shots back in November of an abandoned house, I should post about it next time :)