I think Echor is Echo's alter ego, because he gave himself that name. How weird is that? Whenever I ask him 'Who's a pretty bird?' he says 'Echor', it's hilarious.
I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd show a couple pictures of Echo and a 3 minute video, if it ever uploads (it's taking ages, good thing I can edit the rest of my post in the meantime). The first picture was taken a few days ago when he got a hold of Sean's crystal. He LOVED it, petting and scratching his head with it, it was so cute.

The funny part is he was extremely hyper and flying around like a mad bird before landing on the table and finding his new treasure, then once I put him back on his cage with it he became super calm. I don't know much about crystals but he'll be getting his own, that's for sure :P
The ones below were taken this evening :)
Excellent and funny that it named itself ;-) Beautiful set of pictures of him Wendy!
Wendy, He is soooo cute! Thanks for sharing the video. Quite the little lover.
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