I went to Ibiza in July, and not only did I drink very tasty wine, dance until dawn at the legendary Amnesia and get a wicked tan on the beach, I got to absorb the beauty of the island, eat the most amazing sushi and watch the sunset at Cafe Del Mar :) It was the most amazing birthday!

Looks like a beautiful place and a great vacation. I liked the picture of the sunset with the parasail up in the sky. Two years ago in early December my daughter and her husband took my husband and I on a cruise to the Bahamas. My daughter and I went parasailing. We thought it was wonderful and had no problems at all; but when we got home some of my friends and family about had a fit--Isn't that something every 70 year old woman wants to do? It was so beautiful and quiet up there, and we could see a school of dolfins playing below us. A really good memory!
You went parasailing, how fun!! There is no age for enjoying life, I bet you had a blast :) A really good memory indeed.
I hope your daughter is doing better xo
I like what you did with that first photo... capturing it on an angle, and showing off the peekaboo sun streaks in the palm fronds.
I do not know much about sushi, but those pics make me curious.
Thanks so much Craver :)
Sushi is delicious, if it's done right. Make sure you post about it if you decide to try it out! This particular sushi was one of the best things I've ever eaten.
Ouah, magnificent set of pictures Wendy... and the food pictures, hummmm, looks tasty!
Thanks Chris! :)
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