I got my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, not fun. What an experience, lol. Yay for laughing gas! I could slightly feel the surgeon pulling at my teeth but I really didn't care ;) My mouth is still very sore, I can't wait to get back to normal. I did get chipmunk cheeks, which was pretty funny. I took a picture for my little brother, who probably can't wait to make fun of me, but there is no chance that I'll be posting it on here, haha!
I've been home for 5 days now, I've been mostly reading, playing games on the computer and listening to music. And complaining about my sore face. I've been reading the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, very good story. Very morbid, sadistic and just "Wow! I can't believe he actually wrote that, that's sick!!" but very good.

I finished the second out of eleven (I think?) books in french not long ago, but since I'd like to start reading epubs instead of paperback I've switched to english, so I started reading the first book again. I'm glad I did since the terminology is very different in both languages.
I've been listening to Hol Baumann's "Human" for the past two days, so good. He reminds me a lot of Trentemoller, which I am madly in love with. Yay for good music! :)
Sean's the one who told me about him, I'm glad he did.
And since I've had so much time on my hands, I'm been watching Les Moomins (Mumintroll in Sweden), in french, of course. Whenever I don't feel good I tend to watch my favorite cartoons/movies I used to love as a kid. Ok maybe not always when I don't feel good, but those are the times when I enjoy it the most :) Moomins are little trolls, the books were published in Finland. It was eventually made into a tv show. So cute (:
Well it's time for soup (ugh), thanks for visiting :)
Wisdom teeth---ouch! Those aren't among my most favorite memories. Hope you heal quickly!!
Oh well... at least the chipmunk cheeks will be a source of joy for your brother. Wouldn't it be nice if you could take the laughing gas home with you? I never heard that music before. It sounds like The Matrix. I hope you feel better soon.
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