Monday, August 20, 2012

This is why I have a boyfriend

So he can help me clean my hummingbird feeders lol.  I'm such a girl.  Ants freak me out even when they're dead.


Now not only am I having ants, there are tons of wasps too, and they're fighting with the hummies :(  So I put a trap out there, I caught a few already :)


Janice K said...

I know what you mean. I hate it when I open the feeder to clean it and refill it and a bunch of them climb out and get on my hands...One even bite me once. Yuck!

Wendy said...

Ha! Those little buggers! Sean wonders why I get so freaked out, I'll tell him that one bit you and maybe he'll understand lol.

Craver Vii said...

I confess that I don't understand the boy/girl distinctions with bugs and other "gross" things. But it doesn't really matter, as long as I get to play hero for my wife & daughters. :-)